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Additional equipment for machines

Apageo offers you additional equipment for your machines and your different needs on site. You thus have a complete workshop, adapted to the sites carried out, to ensure the success of all your projects.

Our services for you

Training and support

Supporting our clients in their projects is essential. Thanks to a team of mobile experts, Apageo can offer you "à la carte" training, depending on your needs and the techniques and methods used in the field.

These training courses can be held in our factories or at one of your sites. Different formulas are possible (all-inclusive, or part of the trip/journey paid for by the client, etc.) in order to best adapt to your wishes.

training and support

Technical advice and know-how

Our sales and technical teams will support you in your projects, by advising you on the choice of equipment best suited to the work planned, but also on its optimal use. This is to guarantee you the best productivity and thus optimise your production costs.

Regular visits in France and abroad and feedback from the field allow us to consider each of your needs and advise you effectively.

Also, specific equipment can be studied and designed to respond precisely to the problems of a particular site.

advice and know-how
Our latest

Apageo on BFM Business 🎬

In September 2024, Jean-Pierre Arsonnet was interviewed by Mathilde Wessels, journalist for BFM Business, on the subject of Geotechnics and French know-how. After a few weeks of waiting, we're delighted to be able to present this interview, which is now online. It's an opportunity to highlight Apageo, its recognized expertise and its 40 years of success both in France and abroad. You can find the interview by clicking here! 
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mike gambin

In memory of Michel GAMBIN

En mémoire Michel (Mike) GAMBIN Michel Gambin est décédé le 30 juin 2024 dans sa 94ème année. Il est diplômé de l'Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (PARIS) en 1954 où il reçut entre autres les enseignements du Prof. Jean Kerisel, il obtint en 1955 un Master of Arts de lUniversité Harvard et M.I.T. (USA) où il suivit les cours de MM. Karl Terzaghi, Arthur Casagrande et Donald W Taylor. Vice-président du Comité Français de Mécanique des Sols et de Géotechnique (CFMS) de 1998 à 2003, Michel Gambin a prononcé la conférence honorifique Coulomb en 2010 : « les théories et leur évolution face à la réalité en géotechnique » ( (https://lnkd.in/dr-v8-HD), partageant ainsi l'expérience de sa longue carrière commencée aux côtés de Louis Menard, poursuivie chez Soletanche puis Apagéo. Michel Gambin est connu de toute la communauté géotechnique comme un des grands promoteurs de l'essai pressiométrique. Co-directeur de la publication de la revue Sols-Soils, il fut un infatigable défenseur de la diffusion de la connaissance et de la pratique au sein de la communauté géotechnique, en particulier francophone, par de nombreuses actions dont nous citons ici les plus marquantes : - Relecteur et éditeur interne de toute la documentation technique de Louis Ménard (les fameuses notices Ménard « D » ) - Fondateur, et rédacteur en chef de 1995 à Septembre 2007, de la Lettre de la géotechnique, il passe beaucoup de son temps à rassembler les informations, résumés de congrès internationaux, bibliographies, comptes-rendus de lectures, notices biographiques, etc. (https://lnkd.in/dKmpRc3d) - Animateur de la Commission pour la coopération et la Francophonie en Géotechnique. - Création en 1999 d'un Comité Transnational des Géotechniciens d'Afrique - Présidence du groupe de normalisation européen « Essais d'expansion en forage » - Organisateur et co-éditeur du Symposium IPS5-PRESSIO 2005 « 50 ans de pressiomètres » - Très nombreuses contributions scientifiques dans le monde entier : articles, conférences, organisation de congrès. Le Prof. Roger Frank la interviewé en 2009 (Reminiscences, publié dans le Bulletin ISSMGE), ce qui nous permet de disposer de nombreux détails intéressants sur sa formation et sa carrière, sur ses travaux concernant les essais au pressiomètre Ménard, le compactage dynamique, etc. Il décrit également ses liens avec le CFMS et l'ISSMGE et ses activités extrascolaires. Veuillez consulter :https://htc.issmge.org/uploads/contributions/Michel-Mike-Reminiscences-ISSMGE-Bull-June-2009.pdf La bibliographie complète de Michel GAMBIN : apageo.com In Memoriam Michel (Mike) GAMBIN Michel Gambin passed away on 30 June 2024 in his 94th year. He graduated from the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (PARIS) in 1954, where he was taught by Prof. Jean KERISEL. He also received a Master of Arts degree from Harvard University and M.I.T. (USA) where he was taught by Karl Terzaghi, Arthur Casagrande and Donald W Taylor. Vice-president of the French Society for Soils Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (CFMS) from 1998 to 2003, Michel Gambin gave the honorary Coulomb lecture in 2010: "Theories and their evolution in the face of geotechnical reality" (https://lnkd.in/dr-v8-HD) , sharing the experience of his long career, which began alongside Louis Menard and continued at Soletanche and then Apagéo. Michel Gambin is known throughout the geotechnical community as one of the great promoters of pressuremeter testing. Co-publisher of the journal Sols-Soils, he was a tireless advocate of the dissemination of knowledge and practice within the geotechnical community, particularly in the French-speaking world, through a wide range of activities, the most notable of which are listed below: - Proofreader and in-house editor of all Louis Ménard's technical documentation (the famous Ménard "D" notices) - Founder and editor-in-chief of the Lettre de la géotechnique from 1995 to September 2007, he spent a great deal of his time gathering information, summaries of international conferences, bibliographies, book reviews, biographical notes, etc. (https://lnkd.in/dKmpRc3d) - Coordinator of the Commission pour la coopération et la Francophonie en Géotechnique. - Creation in 1999 of a Transnational Committee of Geotechnicians from Africa. - Chair of the European standardisation group "Expansion tests in drilling". - Organiser and co-editor of the IPS5-PRESSIO 2005 Symposium "50 years of pressure gauges". - Numerous scientific contributions worldwide: articles, conferences, organisation of congresses. His impressive bibliography is available in French here : https://www.apageo.com/bibliographie-de-michel-gambin Prof Roger Frank interviewed M.Gambin in 2009 (Reminiscences, published in the ISSMGE Bulletin) ; this document gives many interesting details on his education and his career, on his work about Ménard Pressuremeter testing, dynamic compaction, etc. It also describes his links with CFMS and ISSMGE and his extra-curricular activities. Please, see: htc.issmge.orgSource : www.issmge.org
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